Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Congratulations to the best

Over the years I personally examined what makes a team stand out. Any real Futbol player knows that a player must put in their heart to the game to succeed. In the professional world of Futbol, sometimes your talent is not enough. Do you agree with me?

Being a professional athlete requires a sheer desire to be the best and recognize who the best is at the moment. I've written many times on my blog that the best is more than just a great player that scores goals, but someone who thrives well under pressure and is always beating the odds.

I have a few hero's I like to look at. My dad is one of them. He's not a futbol star but he's a great man to me, for sure.

I want to recognize all the people in this world that try their hardest in the world of sports and life. It's not easy putting in all your effort everyday, day after day. It's important to thank and pay respect to all of the men and women that helped us, even with their wisdom. Do you agree with that statement as well?

I would love to know your thoughts. Comment below and let's chat. Also, let's touch base with the latest numbers in futbol.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday is my Friend

I love a good Friday afternoon! It's the most chill day from the whole week. I pray every Sunday that Friday would come as fast it can. Here's a few things I enjoy to do on a Friday. First, I certainly enjoy a nice cold brew with the company of friends. My mates make my day the best! Second, I enjoy watching a good game or making a futbol pickup game. 

When I was living in Portugal as a young boy, I made the most out of my time playing Futbol like a mad sports fanatic. There was no stopping me, because I wanted to be the best! I competed with the best of the best in my little town. No matter the competition, I striven to come out on top. Let me tell you a little story of one of the fiercest game of my entire life. 

I was playing with the toughest guys in Portugal. They were huge and very talented. This was when I was very healthy and extremely focused as a sportsman. The game went on for hours and no one scored. We went to overtime and suddenly I had a rush of light bursting inside me. I had a pump of energy and focus I never has before in my entire life. I took action and became a leader of leaders. I ran perfectly and got control of the futbol and creatively passed to one of my mates. He passed the futbol back to me for the assist. I scored more perfectly than I ver scored in my life. 

Everyone was celebrating the miracle that they just witnessed. It was indeed a very real miracle because what we did was bend the normal game play to something AMAZING!! I felt like I needed to blog about this. I want to be able to express this night even better. I want you to feel my passion and love for the game. Thanks for reading my blog. Wishing my readers a great Weekend, From Oren Lone, Blogger of the Game of Futbol. 

Enjoy the Night!!! 

Oren Loni Friday is my Friend

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Are Legends Born or Did They Work For It

Over the years, a legend comes around. Some legends are in the form of a team. Other times, a man arises and shows the world that they are great! We see that happen in Futbol all the time. It's a legendary experience when a team joins forces and crushes the odd with a performance of a life time.

You know what I'm talking about --- Bercelona Rally. It's no surprise that the players are the best -- but to pull of what they did -- requires magic of some sport, it requires GREATNESS!! YES! (Two greatness at a high degree).

I was very impress with the teamwork and ability of sportsmanship that went into the team's work ethic. Everyone was involved and alert! No one failed when it mattered most.

I love Futbol and I can't believe Barcelona rallied so perfectly. WOW!!

Thanks for reading! All the best from Oren Loni.